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Eek! It’s Christmas! How to survive the silly season

Writer's picture: Holly Kluver-JonesHolly Kluver-Jones

Welcome to Christmas 2021. A festive month of way too much food, alcohol, an incessant need to catch up in December (hello! We are still here in January for a BBQ). This is the month that every year I tell myself to get a grip.

It’s the perfect opportunity to say no; something I got much better at doing once I was in my late 30s.

I find myself embracing structure, routine and organisation. This is my personality type and it doesn’t work for everyone. But for me, I find doing all my Christmas shopping early makes me breathe a little easier if I can avoid the shopping centre chaos. I also love home deliveries - fruit and vegetables, meat, seafood etc. Bring it to me, save me from the crowds!

Wellspring Pilates is shut for some of the festive season so we can recharge too.

CLOSED 11.30am 24 December
OPEN Monday 3 January 2022
See timetable online for bookings

But you can still work out from home! It's a great way to help survive the chaos of Christmas. All you need in a mat. If you’ve got a theraband and a foam roller and some weights, that’s even better. .

Some of the exercises I like to do that feel good –

Scapula glides – Lie on the foam roller it so runs the length of your your spine. Feet are hip distance apart, knees are bent. Arms are up towards the ceiling, palms facing each other. R-e-a-c-h your arms towards the sky as you inhale, feeling the shoulder blades lifting of the roller. As you exhale, bring your arms down keeping them straight and feel your shoulder blades wrapping around the foam roller. The whole time your abdominals should be drawing down towards the roller. A great exercise for moving the thoracic (mid-back) and scapular mobility.


You can do this either on or off the roller. Same set up with feet hip distance apart and knees are bent. Taking an inhale breath, start lifting your hips towards the ceiling and peel your spine off the mat like it is a string of pearls, one pearl at a time. At the top of a bridge, there should be a straight line between your knees, hips and shoulders. Take an inhale at the top and then exhale, start rolling back down to the mat, vertebra by vertebra till your tailbone hits the mat. A great move for spinal mobility

Leg circles – lie on the mat, arms by your side, legs out straight. Drawing your abdominals down towards the mat. Take an inhale and lift one leg to the ceiling, straight like a pencil. If you have a theraband or even a towel, you can loop this around the mid-point of your foot. Then think of the ceiling as a canvas. Draw circles with your foot as if it were a paintbrush, circles should be done in both directions. Think of your other leg on the ground as being weighed down by cement bags. There shouldn’t be rocking of the pelvis, if so, make your circles a bit smaller. A great exercise for opening up the hips, leg strength and core control.

This is also the time of the year not to be too hard on yourself. We all have fitness and health goals but it’s ok to relax and enjoy yourself. All in moderation. Life is about balance and it’s ok to be a little off kilter at this time of the year. I know I’ll be enjoying a few champagnes in the festive season but still try to keep my body moving.

Till next year Wellspringers,

Love Holly

Studio Christmas/2022 hours

Friday 24 December – 11.30am CLOSED (9.30 and 10.30am classes still running)

Monday 3 January 2022 – 5.30pm, 6.30pm classes

Wednesday 5 January 2022 – 5.30pm, 6.30pm classes

Monday 10 January 2022 – normal hours – see online for full timetable

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